Group 3 - Do You See What I See

Observation and analysis of observations can be difficult skills for trainee educators to master. This group of modules allows students to develop and practice their observation, analysis and planning skills. Students will watch four separate videos, with children ranging in age from 4 months to 4 years old. Students will observe both individual children as well as two children interacting.

For each video, the student will first practice writing down their observations, then move on to analysis and interpreting what their observations can reveal about the children's development. They will then build on their observation and analysis, and being to plan experiences to further support the children's developing skills. Throughout the module students will be referring to developmental charts and the EYLF learning outcomes. They will be encouraged to keep observations and analyses simple.


1 2 3 4  


Module 1
  • Ryan - Observe

    The components of the NQF
    What 'regulated' means
    The different types of regulated services
    How services are monitored to ensure they are delivering quality education and care

  • Ryan - Interpretation

    Analysis involves interpreting what observations reveal about a child's development
    Analysis can be a simple interpretation - it does not have to be complicated
    Analysis is interpreting what you see - not making judgements

  • Ryan - Planning

    Observations and analysis can be used to plan activities that support and extend a child's development
    Planning involves setting goals and choosing strategies to support them
    Goals and strategies can be simple
    Educators also need to think about how they will get involved and support the child.

Module 2
  • Alyssa - Observation

    To review the importance of observation as a tool for educators
    To practice observation skills by observing an interaction between educator Lisa and 18-month-old Alyssa
    To review the importance of keeping observations objective.

  • Alyssa - Interpretation

    To interpret some observations about Alyssa
    To keep analyses simple
    The importance of keeping analyses objective

  • Alyssa - Planning

    Review what they know based on observations
    To set some goals and strategies to support Alyssa's development
    To think about what an educator can do to get involved and actively support Alyssa

Module 3
  • Charlie & Jack - Observation

    To practice observation skills, this time by observing two children and an educator
    To practice writing down what observations and keeping them simple and objective

  • Charlie & Jack - Interpretation

    To practice your analysis and interpretation skills
    Why referring to developmental charts can simplify the process
    Why interpretations need to be objective and free from judgement

  • Charlie & Jack - Planning

    To review what they know about Charlie and Jack
    To plan simple goals and activities to support and extend the children's development
    How the educator can support the children during the activity to achieve their goals

Module 4
  • Vivien - Observation

    To practice observation skills, this time by watching a pre-school age child completing a collage
    To practice keeping observations simple and objective
    That the goal is to identify the skills a child has, and new skills they are developing

  • Vivien - Interpretation

    To practice interpreting observations
    To keep interpretation and analysis simple
    To ensure interpretations are objective, not subjective
    That observation is ongoing - you need to observe children in different situations

  • Vivien - Planning

    To choose goals and strategies to support and extend Vivien's development and interests
    To consider the role the educator will play in supporting Vivien

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