Group 1: Working in a children's service

This group of modules is designed to provide the student with an overview of what it is like to work as a trainee educator in an early childhood education and care service. It covers key skills students need to being their traineeship, including understanding their job description and role, being punctual and well presented, and following the service’s policies and procedures.
Students will also explore an educator's obligations to respond to concerns they might have about children at risk of harm.

This group also provides students with an overview of the regulations all services are subject to, and explains each component of the National Quality Framework and how they relate to each other.

The Modules that support HLTWHS001 highlight the student’s own responsibility in complying with WHS policies and contributing to their own health and safety in the workplace, as well as the health and safety of their colleagues and the children.
Students will also explore an educator's obligations to respond to concerns they might have about children at risk of harm.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  


Module 1
  • What is a regulated children's service?

    The components of the NQF
    What 'regulated' means
    The different types of regulated services
    How services are monitored to ensure they are delivering quality education and care

Module 2
  • Induction

    The variety of tasks an educator might be asked to complete
    What a typical job description looks like
    What an induction is
    The range of things the student might be introduced to during an induction

Module 3
  • Being a professional

    What a code of conduct is
    How to communicate effectively with families
    Why certain information must be kept confidential
    The importance of being punctual
    Why you need to dress appropriately for work

Module 4
  • Teamwork

    The variety of teams in a service
    The skills that make a valuable team member
    Why differences should be appreciated and accepted
    The advantages of teamwork
    The effects of letting the team down

Module 5
  • Working ethically

    What 'ethics' are, how they develop and how they influence you
    What an ethical dilemma is
    Ethical dilemmas you might be faced with in a service
    How the ECA Code of Ethics can guide decision making

Module 6
  • WHS compliance

    What compliance is and why you need to comply
    The most common injuries educators suffer from
    The range of WHS policies and procedures in a service
    What happens when you fail to comply

Module 7
  • Hazards and risks

    The steps in the risk management process:
    Identify hazards and risks
    Assess risks
    Manage or control the risk

Module 8
  • Emergencies and evacuations

    Emergencies that can happen in the service
    Different responses to different emergencies
    What emergency drills are, and why they're important
    The educator's role during an emergency

Module 9
  • Child protection: Legislation

    The range of legislation and guidelines that you must follow
    The purpose and aims of the legislation and guidelines

Module 10
  • Child protection: Abuse and neglect

    Definitions of abuse and neglect
    Indicators of abuse and neglect
    Factors that can contribute to abuse and neglect
    Consequences of abuse and neglect

Module 11
  • Child protection: Mandatory reporting

    What mandatory reporting is and who mandatory reporters are
    The steps to take if you suspect a child is at risk
    Privacy and what information you can share
    What to do if a child discloses abuse to you
    Some barriers to reporting

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